MGPS (Marine Growth Prevention System) ICAF (Impressed Current Anti-Fouling System)
The Marine Growth Prevention system or Impressed Current Anti-Fouling system is electrolytic in action. The system consists of copper anode and aluminum (or soft iron) anode which are strategically located in sea chests or sometimes inboard, but as close to the sea water intake points as possible.
One set of anodes consisting both copper anode and aluminum anode (or ferric anode) is recommended for each sea water service. The anodes are connected to a control panel that feeds DC current to the anodes. The resultant ions (cupric ions) and floccules [e.g. Al(OH)3 or Fe(OH)3] produced by the anodes are carried by the sea water, spreading through the pipeline and creating an environment that is distinctly unfriendly to the marine life and larvae. An additional benefit is that the aluminum hydroxide floccule [Al(OH)3] or ferric hydroxide floccule [Fe(OH)3] creates a protective film inside the pipeline, thereby significantly reducing pipeline corrosion.
目前最常用的防海生物裝置主要有兩種: 電解海水防海生物方式,生成次氯酸,殺滅海生物。 電解銅、鋁(軟鐵、熟鐵)的電極方式,以海水為導體通過(guò)外加電流 的方式電解出金屬離子,使海水中的金屬離子達到一定濃度的。
海水中含有大量的氯化鈉為主的鹽類(lèi),其中氯化鈉含量最高位 2.7%左右, 占總鹽度的 10.9%。 在海水的組成中, 氯離子含量最高, 氯濃度達 19%左右,占離子總含量的 55%。 電解海水防海生物裝置,用鍍鉑鈦電極或特制的電極將海水電 解,以產(chǎn)生 NaClO、HClO 和 Cl2,這些有效氯是強氧化劑,能殺死 或擊暈海生物的幼蟲(chóng)和孢子,達到防污染的目的。根據實(shí)驗室研究結 果表明,有效氯為 20mg/L 的處理海水,能殺死海水中幾乎所有的 細菌和海生物。
銅陽(yáng)極(copper anode)在海水中電解,產(chǎn)生微量銅離子(cupric ion), 鋁陽(yáng)極(aluminum anode)或鐵陽(yáng)極(ferric anode)電解后生成 少量氫氧化鋁絮狀物(aluminum hydroxide floccule)或氫氧化鐵 絮狀物(ferric hydroxide floccule),海水帶著(zhù)這種具有很高黏性的 絮狀物從管道中流過(guò)時(shí),絮狀物就散布開(kāi)來(lái),粘附在海生物幼蟲(chóng)可能 棲生的海水流得較緩慢的區域,并且隨著(zhù)電解時(shí)間的增長(cháng),這些絮狀 物就附著(zhù)在海水管系的內壁上, 在整個(gè)海水管系中形成一層很薄的保 護層,進(jìn)而達到防止海生物吸附及防止海水腐蝕的雙重作用。 實(shí)驗研究結果表明, 當海水中的銅離子含量達到 2μg/l(2mg/m3) 時(shí),銅離子能有效地抑制海生物在海水管系中生長(cháng)。 根據海水管系的材質(zhì)的不同,須正確選擇使用陽(yáng)極: 如果海水管系的材質(zhì)是鋼,需選用鋁陽(yáng)極。 如果海水管系的材質(zhì)是鋁或銅,需選用鐵陽(yáng)極。
(without MGPS before ) ( with MGPS after)